
The association France Alzheimer et maladies apparentées is pleased to welcome you to its first scientific symposium on Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.


You are invited on June 3, 2024, at the Maison de la Chimie, 28 rue Saint Dominique, 75007 Paris.


The purpose of this day is to provide a new annual meeting to the French scientific community, focusing on research topics related to Alzheimer's disease and related disorders.


NOTE: The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until April 21th


Registrations are free but mandatory.




Registration deadline is May 24th at midnight.

Call for communication

In its first year, FAAST is issuing a call for papers to all interested participants. The event's Scientific Committee will select 9 abstracts for oral presentations and 30 abstracts will be offered poster presentations. Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.


Submit my paper


Submissions should preferably be made in English. Poster/oral presentation materials should be written in English.

Call for papers closes on April 14st.

Mobility Grant

This year, France Alzheimer is offering mobility grants to PhD students wishing to participate in FAAST.

To learn about the application process, click HERE

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